If humans can live for over 100 years, why do companies die so young?
Resistance to change will slow down the pace of evolution, throwing companies off the evolution path and making them go extinct forever.
Survival is a three step process
Whatever is created in this universe will get destroyed one day; everything in the universe has a shelf life, including the universe. But, itt is important how far we survive in our journey.
Survival is a three-step process:
1 - Reduce resistance to change.
2 - Increase the pace of adaption of change.
3 - Define your evolution path, keep aligning with the path and stay on the path.
Dual approach to evolution
By nature, all species resist change, but humans have the capabilities to understand the reasons for change and reduce the resistance. Other species are not as adaptable to change as humans are. This is why humans have evolved much more than any other species on the planet.
Our adaptability is a function of our comfort zone; the smaller the comfort zone, the lesser our adaptability. Unfortunately, due to added comforts and shrinking white spaces in our life, our comfort zones are squeezing at a time when technological evolution is accelerating due to combinational effects.
We need a dual approach to evolution.
Low resistance, high pace approach
Working in both directions can only accelerate our evolution pace. Reducing resistance and aligning with the technological evolution curve is necessary to accelerate the pace of adaption.
Combinational technologies are demanding a combinational approach to change management.
A) Change Anesthesiology: Reducing change resistance.
B) Systovation Evolution Ecosystem: Accelerating pace and staying on the evolution path.
Quantraz, a subtle approach to evolution management
The Quantraz approach is a subtle way to smoothly clear up our cognitive bandwidth and make it available for prospective thinking. The approach is extended to multiple formats to accommodate various learning styles.